Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inspired Cooking

Grilled Lamb with sea salt and lavendar
glazed with a balsamic reduction sauce
and served with grilled asparagus, sweet spring onion and baby zuchini

Paired with a 2005 Edna Valley Syrah

I had this at NOVO Restaurant in San Luis Obispo while on vacation last week.
Unbelievably delicious!  Had to share it with the family.

If you are ever looking for a premier dining experience in SLO, be sure to visit NOVO for excellent service and cuisine.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bright and Shiny Things

I love them. Bright and shiny things.  They simply fascinate me and take my attention, like a chicken.

I remember feeding the chickens and I had to remember to not go barefoot, or wear sandals or anything shiny on my feet.  The chickens would peck mercilessly at my shiny toenails, a buckle, a ring, or whatever distraction or tasty looking object a chicken might like.

When working with the beads and findings, I totally appreciate where those chickens are coming from.  I can spend hours at the table, putting together all sorts of combinations of beads and baubles and shiny findings.  Next thing you know, I've made a dozen of these adorable keychain charms that I've now listed at my Etsy Shop.  Hopefully someone else will love them enough to buy them so I can continue to fund my love of playing with shiny objects.  Good thing I'm not playing with knives....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rites of Passage

What started as a small break the beginning of April has now ended up being a two month hiatus from sewing.  That is not to say I haven't been busy or productive in other ways...

This sort of thing happens to us artists, I'm told.  After a creative burst or productive frenzy, we simply burn less brightly. Sometimes there's barely a flicker left to our creative wick.  Then, when the mind is relaxed and our weary souls are left to relax and rejuvenate  - magical things begin to happen.  We re-awaken with new inspiration.  

For me, that is especially true.  As much as I would like to be pushing out as much artistic stuff as I could possibly eek out of a day, a week, a month... I lack the mental, emotional and physical stamina to keep up a steady pace.  Instead, the cycle is almost manic and then flat - stalled - no motivation.  Occasionally I get the blues and for sure, I'm truly "blah" but wouldn't say it's truly a depression.  I used to fight this downtime in my younger days, either being embarrassed or angry at becoming "checked out" or feeling incapable of being my usual upbeat, energetic and highly productive self.  But then I began to recognize the pattern.  And I began to understand what was happening during my "down time" and what types of transformations were able to occur during down time that could not possibly take place during "up" time.   Like the process of transforming from a caterpillar to butterfly, certain changes can only take place when the mind is allowed to be quiet and relaxed.  

I have enjoyed these past two months.  Taking the camera and focusing on close-up shots, I got down low to the ground and discovered all types of beautiful life forms that I would not have noticed from "up there" while being all busy and "productive" with what I usually do.  I discovered the joys of small beading projects and created a collection of pretty keychain charms.  Then I branched out into making some chunky necklaces out of turquoise and coral and silver and ... whatever suits my fancy.   

Soon I will emerge from that cocoon.  Not today - but I feel the need to stretch and push on my self-imposed boundaries.  Hopefully I will be as bright and beautiful as a butterfly when you see me again.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's New Wednesday

What's New?

Meet Kush and Bubba, padded box bags...

Perfect sizes for art glass, hand held fancy bubblers,
cameras, lenses, stuff.

Upcycled from soft denim jeans and 
Hawaiian shirts!

Kush Box on the left is 5 x 4 x 6.5 inches
Bubba Box on the right is 5 x 4 x 5 inches
both are fully lined and padded
with wrist straps
Inner pocket

Very lovable and huggable...
adopt one today from the shop

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Custom Work: For Katie

Custom pouch for Katie.
Recycled from a butterscotch brown leather
vintage bomber jacket from the 80's. 
Handblown glass button.

Super sweet!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Introducing: The M.P. Bag

An Urban ECO Original.
Fits the iPad, or a camera, or whatever.
Measures 8x3.5x10. Lots of pockets.
Detachable shoulder strap

Recycled from olive khaki trousers, a shirt and a belt.
Will be available in assorted colors as a standard item.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time to Chill

The old me would have been ranting and raving about how i lost a whole day...well, honestly half a day...because i totally messed up the complicated bag i was working on. But not today. Nosireee. I just had to laugh at myself for being in such a rush and overconfident in getting the job done. Piece sewn upside down. Seams too wide or padding too thick. No matter. It's just a mess. Humbling.

So, my friend, I'm turning off the lights and heading downstairs for a cold one. It's time to just relax and enjoy the evening with my family. Tomorrow's another day and i'll try again.